Pelo Bem da Humanidade
As origens da Segunda Guerra Mundial foram lapidadas ao longo de décadas pelo establishment polÃtico e acadêmico, que as vinculou à ...

O Navalha chega ao Brasil
Estreia do documentário 'Navalha" na TV brasileira.

Operation Brazil
To understand the participation of Brazilian Expeditionary Force in World War II, we have to understand also why Brazil declared war...

Rome Film Awards 2017
We are pleased to inform you that SWITCHBLADE - A Brazilian Battalion in the Gothic Line was preselected by Rome Film Awards 2017...

Normandie WWII International Film Festival
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War History Online
Switchblade is highlighted on War History Online. See more at War History Online

Switchblade wins "OUTSTANDING WORLD WAR II DOCUMENTARY" prize at Normandie WWII Internatio
See more at: https://goo.gl/yK5my9

Best of Show
Switchblade is the "Best of Show" at DWBFF.

Defying the odds
"Switchblade tracks members of a Brazilian World War II battalion through a successful combat tour that surprised Allied leaders, and...